Jaben Headphone Store - Malaysia

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Tons and tons of new poisons, you can't even digest...

Tons and tonsss of goodies arrived today... So many that you can't even digest...

First and foremost... Those who wants a headphone stand please be quick... it will be gone very soon...

The one and only go-vibes sharps... It will be gone in a puff...

Guess what is this...

Our stax arrived but it is booked and immediately taken... We will ask the owner to join our headphone meet at 1st of May if possible

Hi-fi portable player also arrived along... Amp3... Up for selling but we only have one...

Don't play a fool with this amp... Hi Quality Tube Desktop Amp... Hifiman EF5... Come have a try...

Audio Technica fans... Please drool on what we arrived today... A1000x and A2000x up for grabs...

And last but not least, those who missed out the previous testing on the opening day... the JH13PRO tester is here! :D

Do come and have fun...

Remember, Jaben loves you!

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