Anyway, congratulation to him and we shall see his photos on net soon!
(P/S: Most importantly, call before you come. +60356315055)
A little headphone store filled teddy bears that has a collectibles of headphones, earphones, portable amplifiers, digital analog convertors (DAC) and many other fun stuffs!
To all the lovers, couples, husband and wife, secret admire existed as Jaben lover, we proposed you the Valentine day bundle as 14 of February is tomorrow! Everything comes as a pair, and double the excitement as a bundle. : )
D-Jays + Final Audio Piano Forte II
Retail : 598
Bundle : 429
CrossRoad Bijou 3 + Denon C260
Retail : 320
Bundle : 199
Audio Technica Pottery + Hippo Ten
Retail : 450
Bundle : 299
Audio Technica Button + Hippo White
Retail : 270
Bundle : 219
Audio Technica CKM55 + A-Jays 2
Retail : 450
Bundle : 359
Audio Technica ES55 + Hippo VB
Retail : 720
Bundle : 539